You've healed a lot of trauma, and now you're ready for a life that's so good everyone's convinced you're Sky Daddy's favorite.

Honey, talk dirty to me, that's one of my favorite things to do.

Give it to me straight, do you want more out of life?

Or less?

How about both?

Less suffering, less overthinking, less worry, less anxiety,

less fear, less heaviness, less stress, less fear


more pleasure, more fun, more connection, more energy,

more clarity, more peace, more ease, more confidence,

more abundance, more alignment.

Hai! I'm Amanda

I'm here to teach you how to THINK, how to ASSESS, how to RESPOND and

make decisions and move from the root of your power - call it your intuition, call it your heart, call it your highest self.

A rose by any other name, you know?

I'll just call it this - love.

I can't and won't tell you what to do.

I will teach you how to

figure it out for yourself, and how to always move from alignment

with your true desires.

When you make decisions from love instead of fear, you become powerful beyond measure.

The key to a really fucking great life?

Make decisions from love, not fear.

Yes, I'll teach you how to do that.

choose your own adventure

Courses and programs that'll clear out old programming that's been holding you back, eliminate dysfunctional shit you've picked up along the way, and repattern your nervous system for ease and joy and calm.

Start building a life that has you saying "I had no idea it could be this good, but damn, it really is."

Free Resources?

Yes please.

This can be you, too.

"Before you, I did literally everything to try and heal myself...

And I did all the thing that I was told to do - read this book, do this practice - it was like ok that sounds really good and I can see why its useful but it's like I was looking at through a glass wall and I kept trying and running into the wall and it wasn't clicking. I thought it was me, that I just sucked. But I was trying to beat it into myself or do it the way they did.

Then I started working with you and you actually tell me how to do it, and you do the brain magic and it just clicks. Everything in my life is different."

"I don't know how you did what you did, it was magic.

The sadness, the grief, the guilt and pain and heaviness is gone. I can think of the good things now. Your tagline should be - clear the trauma and I promise you won't have to say the shit out loud or relive it."

"I'm out here living and appreciating a good life and it's been so long...

I keep finding myself brought to holding back tears. Of joy for the moment. Of sadness for the me who was in so much pain for so long. Of wonder for what's to come, for what I'll MAKE happen. I am forever grateful for your hand in getting me here."

"I just want to thank you for helping me heal.

I'm listening to my body more. I'm able to handle the overwhelm with work and separate myself from it when I'm not there. I'm more in sync with myself. I'm able to control my emotions better and not overshare my life to every person I talk to 😂 I feel so safe and loved. I'm so incredibly happy."

Amanda is acting in the role of a coach for any services available on this website. She is not acting in the role of a therapist and she is not your therapist.